Saturday, October 31, 2009

Put Things Back Together

We have spent most of the day putting our house back together after doing some painting and upgrading. I couldn't help but think about how it is necessary for us to put our spiritual lives back together from time to time. If we are not careful, we get careless in our commitment, negligient in our time spent with God in prayer and Bible study and cold in our relationship with Jesus. That's when we have to put forth the effort to put things back together.

Attending church offers us the opportunity to get things put back together. Instead of avoiding church when we feel "distant," we ought to rush to church so we can take advantage of our opportunity to get it back together. I hope many will do that this Lord's Day!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Rainy Days

Another rainy day...we've had an abundance of them in Little Rock this year! Already we have made the top ten most rainy years with two months to go. So many dreary days have taken a toll on our emotions and outlook. It makes us feel down and just a bit discouraged. There is good news! God's still loves us! His love is not diminished by our feelings or by the weather. He will help us get through all the rainy days we face!!!